Events & Catering

Events & Catering

different food dishes at Cleo

이벤트 & 케이터링

We know that great experiences trump all, and stories are meant to be shared. Cleo Mediterráneo is the place for both. Our attention to detail is unmatched—we’ll always go that extra step to make sure your evening is unforgettable.


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Cleo Baha Mar

Our attention to detail is unmatched—we’ll always go that extra step to make sure your evening is unforgettable.


클레오는 다른 곳에서는 경험할 수 없는 지중해식 요리의 향연을 선사합니다. 전통과 현대가 만나 다른 곳에서는 경험할 수 없는 독특한 외식 경험을 즐겨보세요.

Cleo New York

We know that great experiences trump all, and stories are meant to be shared. Cleo New York  is the place for both.

옵트-인 입력 섹션